The position

We welcome applicants with expertise in Computational or Theoretical Neuroscience

Appropriate research areas include statistical/theoretical approaches for understanding high dimensional datasets, artificial neural networks, computer vision, reinforcement learning, and control theory. The candidate should propose a scientific program including both fundamental and applied elements and have a strong desire to collaborate with existing teams at NERF.

NERF students and postdoc

The offer

We provide generous support for salary, start-up, and annual running costs. Researchers will be based at NERF, an interactive scientific environment where experimental neuroscience and engineering groups develop and apply systems approaches and advanced neurotechnologies to understand the circuit and algorithmic basis of innate and learned behaviours. NERF labs generate large-scale multimodal datasets that are ready for new analysis tools and conceptual/theoretical frameworks. 

The position is for an initial period of 5 years with renewal depending on evaluation.  

With its strategic combination of systems neuroscience and neurotech, NERF is unique in its focus. The open, collaborative atmosphere makes sure that both junior and senior research staff can thrive.
Vincent Bonin
Vincent Bonin
Neuroscience research at NERF is fueled by novel methods for interfacing the brain with higher precision at large-scale. This provides us with a unique competitive advantage.
Sebastian Haesler
Sebastian Haesler
NERF PI and current director